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We're an independent gallery bookshop based in Machynlleth, mid Wales. It's our blend of bookshop, selling a carefully selected collection of reads and pick-up-and-flick-through books – and gallery space to inspire you while you're browsing. We host events too, book readings, author talks, photography and art openings. 



Dydd Sadwrn / SATURDAY
Chwefror 15 FEBRUARY 2025

(cynnal yn CYMRAEG / IN WELSH)

  • ENGLYNAU gweithdy
    gyda bardd Cymraeg ac amaethwr
    Tegwyn Jones
    1.30 yp - 3.30 yp
    gydag egwyl am luniaeth

  • ENGLYN workshop
    with Welsh poet and farmer
    tegwyn jones

    1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
    with a break for refreshments

Cyfle i greu englyn ar y cyd wedi ei seilio ar y prosiect Dilyn Dyfi. Yn y rhan cyntaf byddwn yn dysgu dipyn am yr englyn, ac yn yr ail hanner gallwn greu englyn ar y cyd, neu i'r rhai mwyaf profiadol, pob i englyn. 

In the first half of this workshop, you will learn a bit about the englyn form, and in the second half we can create an englyn together, or for the most experienced, each can create an englyn.

am y bardd

Mallwyd farmer Tegwyn Jones ‘turns to river for power’. Debbie James, Farmers Weekly, 2011

Ffermwr mynydd a chynhyrchwr trydan; wedi bod yn cynganeddu ers 40 mlynedd mewn gwahanol dimau a beirniadu yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. 

A hill farmer and electricity producer; I have been writing poetry for 40 years on various teams, and have judged in the Urdd and  National Eisteddfods.

Both of the poetry workshop events will also benefit from a backdrop of the illustrated maps created by designer Liz Fenwick from the material collected in partnership with the Welsh Place Names Society during the Dilyn Dyfi project.

a click on this map accesses the Welsh PLace Names Society / Cymdeithas Enwau Lleoedd digital map database - then click box to agree to terms and conditions.

We are delighted to welcome back, poet,
Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch
for a special one day workshop
inspiring others to write

Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch

Dydd Sadwrn / SATURDAY
(in english / cynnal yn SAESNEG)


  • Focus on Form 1:
    Flexing the Sonnet
    11.30 - 1.00pm
    refreshments available

  • Focus on Form 2:
    Try out a Triolet
    2.00 - 3.30PM
    refreshments available

Samantha will encourage you to dialogue through these poetic forms with such themes as
river, flow, freeze, flood, land.

gyda Bardd
Samantha wynne-rhydderch

Ffocysu ar Ffrurf 1:
Gweithdy Ys Twytho’r Soned
11.30 – 1.00pm

Ffocysu ar Ffrurf 2:
Trio Trioled
2.00 - 3.30pm

Gyda’r mapiau darluniadol a grëwyd o’r deunydd a gasglwyd yn ystod prosiect Dilyn Dyfi yn gefndir i’r cyfan, bydd Samantha yn eich annog i fynegi’ch hun drwy gyfrwng y ffurfiau barddonol hyn, gan ddilyn themâu megis ‘afon’, ‘llif’, ‘llifogydd’, ‘tir’.

Samantha in her writing room - click on the image to learn more about Samantha

A British-Welsh poet, performer, tutor and editor Samantha lives close to the sea in West Wales where she tends an orchard and is working on her fourth collection. Previous collections include ‘ Not in these Shoes’, ‘Rock Climbing in Silk’, ‘Banjo’; pamphlets, ‘Ling di Long’ and ‘Lime & Winter’.

For a taste of the breadth of Samantha’s work you can sample the 2018, BBC ‘Between the Ears’ broadcast of Samantha’s and composer Nina Perry’a radiophonic poem exploring the sounds and stories surrounding the flow of milk out of west Wales while the Welsh landscape flows into the sea.

Mae Samantha wedi perfformio ei gwaith mewn digwyddiadau a drefnwyd gennym ni. Ar Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Barddoniaeth, cyflwynodd Samantha ei ‘chymorthfeydd barddoniaeth’ personol poblogaidd ac ychwanegodd hefyd ei hiwmor a’i synnwyr digrifiwch digyffelyb at ddigwyddiadau Gŵyl Amdani ym Machynlleth yn 2023.

Mae’n bleser ei chroesawu hi’n ôl.

Samantha has performed her work at events organised by us, at our National Poetry Day celebrations. She has provided her popular one-to-one ‘poetry surgeries’ and added her wry sense of humour and inimitable wit to events at the Amdani Fachynlleth Festival in 2023.