Contact Us

For general shop info, opening times etc. see the footer of our website, or visit our Contact page (you'll find a simple contact form there too if you still can't find the info you're after). 

If you're interested in our free book ordering service, or information and booking for our events, please use the relevant button below the form.

Thank you for your interest. Geoff & Diane.

Call 01654 700559

3 Heol Pen'Rallt
Machynlleth, SY20 8AG

(01654) 700559

We're an independent gallery bookshop based in Machynlleth, mid Wales. It's our blend of bookshop, selling a carefully selected collection of reads and pick-up-and-flick-through books – and gallery space to inspire you while you're browsing. We host events too, book readings, author talks, photography and art openings. 


If you're wary of online shopping,
ordering your books OR EVENT TICKETS with Pen'rallt is safe

you avoid having to accept yet more 'cookies' or devise ever more secure passwords for log-ins or divulge sensitive information
such as your bank details
instead we give you ours and you can pay what you owe us by
Bank Transfer (BACS)

or simply phone with your card number and we'll carry out the transaction directly on our card machine so no record is kept

You can also use any unspent NATIONAL BOOK TOKENS
simply copy the long number on the token onto the
CONTACT/CYSWLLT page when you order or email your order to

We don’t mind if you phone - 01654 700559 - but it helps us if you can confine phone-calls to weekday mornings - Thank you

Cadwch yn saff
Keep safe