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3 Heol Pen'Rallt
Machynlleth, SY20 8AG

(01654) 700559

We're an independent gallery bookshop based in Machynlleth, mid Wales. It's our blend of bookshop, selling a carefully selected collection of reads and pick-up-and-flick-through books – and gallery space to inspire you while you're browsing. We host events too, book readings, author talks, photography and art openings. 





am 7.30



author: Gwyneth Lewis


lansiad / LAUNCH



One of the UK’s most acclaimed writers, Gwyneth Lewis was brought up Welsh-speaking in Cardiff. She studied English and spent time in America. She was Wales’s first National Poet and composed the six-foot-high words on the front of the Wales Millennium Centre. Her other non-fiction books are Sunbathing in the Rain: A Cheerful Book on Depression and  Two in a Boat: A Marital Voyage.

Gwyneth was awarded an MBE in 2023 for services to literature and mental health.

Cafodd un o awduron mwyaf clodfawr y DU, Gwyneth Lewis ei magu yn Gymraeg yng Nghaerdydd. Astudiodd Saesneg a threuliodd amser yn America. Hi oedd Bardd Cenedlaethol cyntaf Cymru a chyfansoddodd y geiriau chwe throedfedd o uchder ar flaen Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru. Ei llyfrau ffeithiol eraill yw ‘Sunbathing in the Rain: A Cheerful Book on Depression’ a ‘Two in a Boat: A Marital Voyage’.

Dyfarnwyd MBE i Gwyneth yn 2023 am wasanaethau i lenyddiaeth ac iechyd meddwl.

It’s taken me a lifetime to muster the courage to face the full nature of my emotionally abusive upbringing. But I kept notes. Nobody breaks the taboo of speaking about cruelty within the family lightly but, compared to feeling suicidal and being chronically ill, looking at the truth has been exhilarating. I wrote this book for all those who have suffered in silence at the hands of a coercive parent. At times, I feared the experience would kill me but I now know that it’s possible to see the full shape of abuse and, with the utmost creativity, to survive.
— Gwyneth Lewis

Gwyneth Lewis’s Nightshade Mother is a book that she has been preparing to write all her life, in diaries which she’s kept since childhood.

The result is a memoir co-written with her younger self, an unexpected and life-saving dialogue through time.

Metaphors of haunting intensity help her confront what happened to her; quotations from art and literature guide and steady her. 

Nightshade Mother is a book about the power of art, about language, and about homecoming, after a lifetime of exile from herself. Profoundly moving, questing and loving in its approach, it is a book for anyone who has suffered at the hands of a coercive parent.

Mae ‘Nightshade Mother’ gan Gwyneth Lewis yn llyfr y mae hi wedi bod yn ei baratoi i ysgrifennu ar hyd ei hoes, mewn dyddiaduron y mae hi wedi'u cadw ers ei phlentyndod.

Y canlyniad yw cofiant a ysgrifennwyd ar y cyd â'i hunan iau, deialog annisgwyl ac achub bywyd trwy amser.

Mae trosiadau o ddwyster swynol yn ei helpu i wynebu'r hyn a ddigwyddodd iddi; mae dyfyniadau o Gelf a Llenyddiaeth yn ei harwain a’i sefydlogi hi. 

Mae ‘Nightshade Mother’ yn llyfr am bŵer celf, am iaith, ac am ddychwelyd adref, ar ôl oes o alltudiaeth oddi wrth ei hun. Yn hynod o deimladwy, yn chwilgar ac yn gariadus yn ei ddull, mae'n llyfr i unrhyw un sydd wedi dioddef yn nwylo rhiant gorfodol.

Gwyneth Lewis’s tenth book of poetry, First Rain in Paradise, is forthcoming in March 2025.