Contact Us

For general shop info, opening times etc. see the footer of our website, or visit our Contact page (you'll find a simple contact form there too if you still can't find the info you're after). 

If you're interested in our free book ordering service, or information and booking for our events, please use the relevant button below the form.

Thank you for your interest. Geoff & Diane.

Call 01654 700559

3 Heol Pen'Rallt
Machynlleth, SY20 8AG

(01654) 700559

We're an independent gallery bookshop based in Machynlleth, mid Wales. It's our blend of bookshop, selling a carefully selected collection of reads and pick-up-and-flick-through books – and gallery space to inspire you while you're browsing. We host events too, book readings, author talks, photography and art openings. 


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Welcome to Pen'rallt Gallery Bookshop

It's our blend of bookshops and gallery spaces to inspire you.
Since 2011 we’ve become known for our exceptional range of new and second-hand books in both languages of Wales.

In 2025, we’ll be hosting more regular events again: our popular and very sociable author readings, talks and exhibition openings here in Pen’rallt and in our our gem of a space for photography, ffotogaleri y gofeb.

Since 2022, larger book launches and author events have taken place in the more roomy Owain Glyndŵr Parilament House where, by invitation of the Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr Committee and, in partnership with O’r Pedwar Gwynt,
we established a Welsh Language first bookshop
Siop Lyfrau Senedd-dy.

Creative writing and poetry workshops are in the pipeline once more, to help to uncover the writer in you too.

We're pretty proud of it, and our ever growing number of customers appreciate it too.

Have a look around our site, or call in.
Current open times below.


Croeso i Galeri a Siop Lyfrau Penrallt

Cyfuniad o siop lyfrau ac oriel
i’ch ysbrydoli.
Ers 2011, rydym yn adnabyddus am ein hystod eithriadol o lyfrau newydd ac ail-law (Cymraeg a Saesneg)

Yn 2025, byddwn yn cynnal mwy fyth o ddigwyddiadau rheolaidd: ein darlleniadau gan awduron, sgyrsiau ac agoriadau arddangosfeydd. Yr holl wedi profi’n hynod boblogaidd a chymdeithasol yn y gorffennol , ac wedi eu cynnal yma ym Mhenrallt yn ein perl o ofod ar gyfer ffotograffiaeth, sef Ffotogaleri y Gofeb.

Ers 2022, rydyn ni wedi bod yn cynnal lansiadau a sesiynau awdur mwy sylweddol yn Senedd-dy Owain Glyndŵr. Ac yno, trwy wahoddiad Pwyllgor Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr, ac mewn partneriaeth ag O’r Pedwar Gwynt, sefydlwyd Siop Lyfrau’r Senedd-dy sy’n gwerthu llyfrau Cymraeg.

I’ch helpu darganfod yr awdur ynoch chi mae gweithdai ysgrifennu creadigol a barddoniaeth ar y gweill unwaith eto.

Rydyn ni’n eithaf balch ohoni, ac mae ein nifer cynyddol o gwsmeriaid yn ei gwerthfawrogi hefyd.

Edrychwch ar ein gwefan, neu galwch heibio.
Mae ein hamseroedd agor ar hyn o bryd i weld isod.



TUESDAY / Wednesday / FRIDAY

10.00 - 5.00

10.00 - 4.30

Visit our sister bookshop in
Owain Glyndŵr’s Parliament House /
Siop Lyfrau’r Senedd-dy

Siop Lyfrau’r Senedd-dy (Heol Maengwyn)
Dydd Mercher / Wednesday
10.00 - 3.30
Dydd Gwener / Friday
Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday
10.30 - 3.30



January/February Booktime Magazine - BUMPER EDITION - click on cover image for safe access to pages of new books, reviews - all available to order from us - and author interviews - including Elly Griffiths about her new time-travel crime series

We’ve been bringing writers together with their readers since 2011